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Tag: Communications Techniques

Lessons from COP23 – The Power Of Community

Lessons from COP23 – The Power Of Community Allison Arteaga, November 21 2017 Last week, the world’s leading voices on climate change gathered in Bonn, Germany for the 23rd Conference of the Parties (COP23) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Since last year’s conference in Marrakech, the political...

Adaptation & Mitigation, Alternative Energy, Business & Technology, Carbon Emissions & Fossil Fuels, Communications Techniques, Energy Efficiency, Interpretation, Productive Public Discourse, public policy, Stakeholder Groups

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To Frame Climate Change, Lead with a Researched Value—Not a “Rogue” One

To Frame Climate Change, Lead with a Researched Value—Not a “Rogue” One January 20 2017 This is the sixth post in a series about framing ocean and climate change. So, you want to motivate the public to take action to address climate and ocean change? One of the most important communications moves you can make is to open with...

Climate & Ocean Science, Communications Techniques, Interpretation, Social Science Research

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Metaphors Can Counter Misinformation about Climate Change

Metaphors Can Counter Misinformation about Climate Change December 02 2016 This is the fifth post in a series about framing ocean and climate change. Our ability to communicate the science of climate change to the public is as important as ever. The outcome of the recent presidential and congressional elections and the state of public...

Climate & Ocean Science, Communications Techniques, Extreme Weather, Interpretation, Ocean Acidification, ocean currents, Social Science Research, Warming

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We Need a Sea Change in How We Communicate about Ocean Change. Metaphors Can Help.

We Need a Sea Change in How We Communicate about Ocean Change. Metaphors Can Help. October 28 2016 This is the fourth post in a series about framing ocean and climate change. We depend on our oceans and must protect them, yet they are often overlooked in public conversations about “climate change.” As a result, most people...

Climate & Ocean Science, Communications Techniques, Ocean Acidification, ocean currents

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Attention Environmental Advocates: Avoid ‘Cute Critters’ and other Communications Traps

Attention Environmental Advocates: Avoid ‘Cute Critters’ and other Communications Traps August 09 2016 This is the second in a series about framing ocean and climate change. A fuzzy polar bear cub against an expanse of melting snow. A seal pup slicked in oil. A newborn orangutan clutching its mother’s breast as she swings...

Climate & Ocean Science, Communications Techniques, Interpretation, Social Science Research

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Communicating in the Swamp: How to Navigate Public Thinking About Climate and Ocean Change

Communicating in the Swamp: How to Navigate Public Thinking About Climate and Ocean Change July 22 2016  This is the first in a series about framing ocean and climate change. When people think about oceans this summer, they might think of a good vacation spot—a place to spread out the beach towel, pop up the umbrella, and...

Climate & Ocean Science, Communications Techniques, Interpretation, Social Science Research

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Correcting the ‘Non-Debate’ Debate about Framing Climate Change

Correcting the ‘Non-Debate’ Debate about Framing Climate Change by Julie Sweetland, June 02 2016 Most people are familiar with the “non-debate” debate between the overwhelming majority of scientists who conclude that fossil fuels are contributing to disruptions to the climate system and the tiny but vocal few who deny it....

Communications Techniques, Interpretation, Media Communications, Productive Public Discourse, Social Science Research

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National Network for Ocean and Climate Change Interpretation (NNOCCI) Impacts After 5 Years

National Network for Ocean and Climate Change Interpretation (NNOCCI) Impacts After 5 Years by Sarah-Mae Nelson, MS, CIG/CIT, February 13 2016 Since 2009, the National Network for Ocean and Climate Change Interpretation—better known as NNOCCI—has been a collaborative effort to raise the discourse around climate change and...

Climate & Ocean Science, Communications Techniques, Productive Public Discourse, Social Science Research

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