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Tag: Ocean Acidification

NNOCCI Climate Science Fundamentals

NNOCCI Climate Science Fundamentals by Megan Ennes, July 15 2020 In this blog, we talk about some of the basics of climate change. An understanding of climate science is the foundation of climate communication and action. Weather Versus Climate One of the most common misunderstandings when talking about...

Climate & Ocean Science, education, Extreme Weather, Impacts On Ecosystems, Impacts On People, Ocean Acidification, ocean currents, sea ice & glaciers, sea level rise

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Fresh ideas for talking about ocean acidification

Fresh ideas for talking about ocean acidification by Richelle Tanner, July 30 2020 Our NNOCCI associate, Dr. Scott Doney, along with his colleagues, has recently published an updated review of the effects of ocean acidification on marine ecosystems (see here for a previous review). Read on for a summary of their main...

Climate & Ocean Science, Ecosystem Services, Impacts On Ecosystems, Impacts On People, Ocean Acidification

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Metaphors Can Counter Misinformation about Climate Change

Metaphors Can Counter Misinformation about Climate Change December 02 2016 This is the fifth post in a series about framing ocean and climate change. Our ability to communicate the science of climate change to the public is as important as ever. The outcome of the recent presidential and congressional elections and the state of public...

Climate & Ocean Science, Communications Techniques, Extreme Weather, Interpretation, Ocean Acidification, ocean currents, Social Science Research, Warming

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We Need a Sea Change in How We Communicate about Ocean Change. Metaphors Can Help.

We Need a Sea Change in How We Communicate about Ocean Change. Metaphors Can Help. October 28 2016 This is the fourth post in a series about framing ocean and climate change. We depend on our oceans and must protect them, yet they are often overlooked in public conversations about “climate change.” As a result, most people...

Climate & Ocean Science, Communications Techniques, Ocean Acidification, ocean currents

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