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Training Opportunities

Training Matrix

Our network aims to change the national conversation around climate change to be positive, civic-minded, and solutions-focused. We use evidence-based communications methods, provide social-emotional support, and employ the latest climate science findings and apply them in our institutions. 

Our healthy network is able to apply this knowledge in interfacing with the public, their social networks, and in building coalitions. We provide trainings to both improve our own interpretive practice and to increase the impact of our work by bringing new members into the network.

We will continue to innovate and develop new initiatives to increase positive outcomes for network members and to further our mission of changing the conversation around climate change.

NNOCCI Training Matrix updated Feb25

Changing the Conversation: An Introduction to Effective Climate Change Communication

Virtual Presentation

This 1-2 hour presentation helps participants become familiar with NNOCCI, understand why framing matters, and gain exposure to framing language. Introductory presentations are hosted throughout the year and around the country by trainers from our network, scheduled based on trainer availability. These presentations are an ideal first exposure for those interested in learning more about NNOCCI techniques. Learn more about this introductory presentation here.

Schedule: Check our events calendar for upcoming dates, or email to book a private Intro Presentation for your organization.

Course Cost:

  • We offer free public virtual courses several times a year at no cost. Keep an eye on our Events page for upcoming dates.
  • Private virtual Introductory Presentations are available to organizations virtually or in person for a $250 fee.

For in-person Introductory Presentations: host organization will be responsible for Facilitator travel expenses (transport, single-occupancy lodging, and food).

Crash Course

Register for the Spring 2025 course, “Framing the Conversation: A ‘Crash Course’ in Effective Climate Change Communication”

A virtual training opportunity for Climate Communicators!

Dates: Weeks of March 31 – May 12, 2025

  • Cohort A: Wednesdays, 2-3 PM ET / 11-12 PM PT, from April 2nd – May 14th
  • Cohort B: Thursdays, 3-4 PM ET / 12-1 PM PT, from April 3rd – May 15th
  • Registration closes on March 21, 2025

Course Fee: $300

The National Network for Ocean and Climate Change Interpretation (NNOCCI) is excited to announce registration for our Spring 2025 Crash Course! This is a 7-week, 25-hour, online course for those interested in gaining strategic framing skills, find our FAQs here.

NNOCCI is a partnership among climate scientists, informal science educators, and climate communicators with public trust and large audiences. Dedicated to fostering productive conversations about climate action, we operate as a supportive community of practice. We use and teach evidence-based, empirically tested tools to inspire hope and action. Together, we can shift climate change communications to be more positive, productive, civic-minded and action-focused.

In the Crash Course, participants will learn basic framing elements including what NNOCCI is, why framing matters, and best practices in use of values, metaphors, and solutions. This course is ideal for those who have an interest in learning more about strategic framing. For more information on NNOCCI training offerings, visit

Register now before spots sell out!

Please direct any questions about this opportunity to

*Please note: we do not want financial barriers to prevent participation in this course, please reach out to us if you have questions about our sliding scale.

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Beginner Workshop

4-6 hour In-person Workshop

This 4-6 hour in-person workshop helps participants explore the challenges and opportunities associated with how people in the United States think about climate change and offers an introduction to how social science research-based tools (Strategic Framing) can help communicators more effectively navigate the topic. Beginner workshops are hosted throughout the year virtually or in-person by trainers from our network, scheduled based on trainer availability. Learn more about Beginner Workshops here

Course cost: $1300 for up to 30 participants.

For in-person Beginner Workshops: host organization will be responsible for Facilitator travel expenses (transport, single-occupancy lodging, and food).

Schedule: email to book a private Beginner Workshop for your organization.

Beginner Workshop

Trainer Course

Become a NNOCCI Trainer!

The National Network for Ocean and Climate Change Interpretation (NNOCCI) is launched its new Trainer Course in the fall of 2022. The NNOCCI Trainer Course builds participants’ confidence and competence in facilitating climate change programs at their organization and within their community.

Via a National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) grant, this five month comprehensive course covers tested strategies for constructive climate communication, best practices for training others in those strategies, and the role of DEI and environmental justice in this work. The course consists of three phases: two virtually, and the final as an in-person workshop.

There are no Trainer Courses schedule at this time

To be alerted of new Trainer Course opportunities, we encourage you to sign up for our free monthly newsletter as well as visit the bottom of our homepage to follow us on social media (LinkedIn, Instagram and Facebook). If you have any questions, please feel free reach out to

Presented with Gratitude to our Sponsor

NNOCCI Trainer Course was prepared by NNOCCI/The Marine Mammal Center under award NA21SEC0080003 from the Environmental Literacy Program of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), U.S. Department of Commerce. The statements, findings, conclusions, and recommendations are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of NOAA or the U.S. Department of Commerce. 

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Interested in a Training?

Sliding Scale

We understand that wealth and income are not distributed justly and equitably amongst people and organizations. At NNOCCI, we are committed to understanding and deconstructing barriers that people/organizations may be facing due to systematic oppression and discrimination. Financial resources should not be a determining factor in whether or not someone can access our services, which is why we offer our services on a sliding scale. 

Self-Directed Learning

Six Framing Blogs

Looking to introduce yourself to NNOCCI’s Strategic Framing concepts in a self-directed format? Check out these Six Framing Blogs that provide insight into why Framing matters and some of the language we use in these brief introductory blog posts.

  1. How to Navigate Public Thinking about Climate and Ocean Change
  2. Avoiding Cute Critters and Other Communications Traps
  3. Cut Through Confusion with Appeals to Protection and Responsibility
  4. We Need a Sea Change in how we Communicate about Ocean Change: Metaphors can Help
  5. Metaphors can Counter Misinformation about Climate Change
  6. Leading with a Researched Value not a Rogue one

BOAT Project Training Modules

This series of four self-guided online training modules was the product of a 2013 NOAA grant partnership among the National Association for Interpretation, the Monterey Bay Aquarium, the Florida Aquarium, and the Alaska Sealife Center. The modules were designed to help interpreters build understanding of topics like Energy and Climate Literacy, Oil and the Changing Arctic, and Ocean Acidification, as well as apply Interpretive Techniques for Challenging Topics drawn from NAI’s Certified Interpretive Guide (CIG) training and early iterations of the NNOCCI network.

Changing the Conversation on Climate and Ocean Change

This self-paced, free online course was created for NNOCCI by our social science research partners at FrameWorks Institute. It offers a virtual tour of the research-tested communications tools utilized and taught by NNOCCI members around the country. Check it out to get a sense for the type of work we do, then connect with us to learn more and join the movement! To access the course from their online learning platform, place it in your shopping cart, complete the check-out process, then follow the instructions you’ll receive by email from FrameWorks Academy.