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National Network for Ocean and Climate Change Interpretation

Advancing the Conversation on Climate Change



Our Mission

Advancing the Conversation on Climate Change

If we train enough voices in proven communication techniques 

we can change the national discourse around climate change to be

productive, civic-minded, and solutions-focused.

NNOCCI is a network of individuals and organizations in formal and informal education, the social sciences, climate sciences, and public policy. We are currently working in 184 institutions in 38 states. We share a commitment to using evidenced-based communications methods and providing the social and emotional support needed to engage as climate communicators. By working together we develop the knowledge, techniques, community, and confidence needed to empower our audiences to act on climate change. And by speaking about climate change consistently across the country we are changing public discourse to be positive, civic-minded, and solutions-focused.

NNOCCI colleagues continue to experiment, evaluate, and share successes from our work with each other. We learn about the latest findings in climate science and oceanography and how to apply these to our own interpretive contexts at our institutions. In addition we build trust and lasting bonds among community members across the country who share an interest in developing effective ways to engage audiences in learning about and taking action on climate and ocean change.

Land Acknowledgement

The NNOCCI community is spread across North America and the Hawai’i Islands. We acknowledge our debt to the Indigenous peoples of these regions who have stewarded and continue to steward these lands and waters for millennia and whose stolen lands we reside on.

We remember the violence, genocide, and forced resettlement that compelled our present day borders and lifestyles. 

We commit to learning from, supporting, and honoring the knowledge and work of our Indigenous neighbors as we nurture and grow our community of climate communicators and champions. For more information on our commitments to Indigenous sovereignty and environmental justice, visit our JEDI resources page (coming soon!).

Our Sponsors

The Marine Mammal Center

The National Network for Ocean and Climate Change Interpretation is incredibly grateful for The Marine Mammal Center’s fiscal sponsorship of our organization since 2021. The Center is a longtime partner of NNOCCI, having collaborated with us for over a decade. We are proud to partner with The Center, who’s purpose is to rescue, rehabilitate and release marine mammals, which they have done for nearly 50 years.

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)

The NNOCCI Crash Course and NNOCCI Trainer Course was prepared by NNOCCI/The Marine Mammal Center under award NA21SEC0080003 from the Environmental Literacy Program of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), U.S. Department of Commerce. The statements, findings, conclusions, and recommendations are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of NOAA or the U.S. Department of Commerce.

Embassy of the United States in Ottawa, Canada

Additional funding has been provided by the US Department of State, Embassy of the United States in Ottawa, Canada.

Our spring offerings for our 2024 +2025 Crash Courses are funded [in part] by a grant from the United States Department of State. The opinions, findings and conclusions stated herein are those of the author[s] and do not necessarily reflect those of the United States Department of State.

What We Offer

People learning together

NNOCCI offers a suite of courses and trainings for Climate Communicators. 

NNOCCI Members have access to many different tried and tested climate change communication resources. If you have taken a NNOCCI training login to access all resources. Haven’t done a training? Check out NNOCCI-related publications and articles!

NNOCCI Members have access to a community of peers to discuss and learn about climate change communication. If you are a Member login to access community board and resources.


Don’t miss out on or upcoming events, including free presentations to learn more about the Science of Climate Communication.